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Elevator Pitch: Stuck Between the Floors?

I grew up in NYC in a high-rise building, living on the 6th floor, so you’d think it would be a no-brainer for me to come up with an elevator pitch for my book.

I’ve spent countless hours riding up and down – not to mention stuck between floors – hearing bits and pieces of stories – adults quickly recapping the visit of a relative, the illness of a child, the death of a parent, all in under a minute. Usually the juiciest bit.

And yet, every time someone asks me what my book is about – I freeze. My tongue swells – and I struggle to muster the excitement that I should have when talking about something I love. I mean, how could you possibly spend all those hours, years in fact, writing something that you don’t love? Impossible.

Let’s face it. I’m just inherently shy – and also reluctant to be judged.

Oh – when you meet me – you don’t get that. Hey, I’ve been an adult a long time – I’ve mastered the art of being friendly and gracious. But inside, the truth burns brightly. No matter how you present, you still know who you are. Someone who is much more comfortable sitting alone, writing this blog, than telling you about my novel.

Okay – enough. We’re now stuck between the floors – and you want to know what my book is about. Get your stop watch ready. I’m reaching deep now. Here we go.

“The Intersect explores the lives of disparate characters living in Phoenix in 2010 who face a major life crisis – and through reaching out – learn that sometimes strangers can provide the deepest connection.”

That’s it. It’s about emotion, kindness, friendship, struggle, love, and building relationships that endure. It’s about finding the mystery of connection in surprising places. It’s what I believe we all yearn for and fear we don’t have. It’s what I hope for everyday in my life. And it’s my greatest wish for you the reader.



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