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If You Can…Try To Laugh

If You Can…Try to Laugh

Alright. It’s true. There isn’t anything funny about the Coronavirus. The news is scary. But at this moment, the only way to keep our spirits up is with a healthy dose of humor. Otherwise, you can get lost in a frenzy of worry. I know. I’ve found myself racing through the supermarket in search of toilet paper. And though no one loves toilet humor more than I do, it’s disturbing to find empty shelves where those mighty rolls should be. Very disturbing.

Social Distancing

As a kid, I craved social distancing. You certainly couldn’t find that in our two-bedroom one-bath apartment. Back then, I shared a room with an older brother. He was always there. And there were twenty-two apartments on the floor of our building. That’s a lot of people to run into when you’re waiting for an elevator. Social distancing would have been a dream come true. But then, someone would have asked, “Brad, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you like people?” Well, I do. But not in such close quarters. A six-foot boundary would have been heaven on earth.

Writer’s Life

Which is probably why I love being an author. Most conversations occur in my head. It’s wonderful when you’re totally in control of the dialogue. That means, you never lose an argument. Ever. And you always get the last word. Don’t tell Jeff. He thinks he gets the last word. Aren’t husbands silly?


So, what advice can I share about social distancing?

  1. It’s a great time to learn to bake. You’re going to be home. Why not have something nice to eat?
  2. If you must go out, pass on the deodorant. Think of Pigpen. That’s the look you’re going for. It radiates its own “six-foot perimeter”.
  3. Go food shopping at off-hours. And for goodness sake, don’t touch all the produce. It’s just inconsiderate. Whatever you touch, you should take.
  4. Get a good book. Something light and easy. Something that might make you smile. Oh. Did I mention that I’ve just launched my latest? What’s That Growing in My Sour Cream? Humorous Observation on Modern Life. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll wonder why you didn’t buy it sooner (and so will I).

Stay Safe

Most importantly, wash your hands. Men have trouble with this. I’ve been in enough men’s restrooms to know. And since we’re talking about public restrooms, will someone teach our male population to flush. That has nothing to do with the Coronavirus. It would just be nice.

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