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Pass Me That Face Mask!

Pass Me That Face Mask!

Why is there so much push back about wearing a face mask? Aside from the potential community benefits, there are lots of other advantages. For instance, I don’t need to shave as often. No one can see my gray whiskers, adorable as they might be. And I can finally toss that packet of Certs. My breath doesn’t need to be minty fresh. And with my mask on, neither does yours. Now that’s a win-win.


For those of us who don’t smile often, a face mask is a perfect accessory. Am I smiling? No one can tell. Finally, my eyes and voice get to do the heavy lifting. My sour expression—but a fleeting memory. Never again will someone mistake me for being unhappy. With my face mask, I’m the friendliest guy in town. The life of the party!

Let’s Pretend

Behind a face mask, you can be anyone you want. Batman. Superman. The Phantom of the Opera. Of course, that last suggestion requires you’re able to carry a tune. And if you love candy, every day is Halloween when you wear a face mask. Check out some of the amazing masks available on-line. Big fun. And if you grew up in the 70s, you can even pretend to be Chad Everrett from Medical Center. That guy was always in a mask in the Operating Room.  Actually, now that I think about it, he was mostly on the beach without a shirt. Never mind.

Release Your Inhibitions

With a mask on, you can express your opinions in public without fear of retribution. Go ahead. Stick out your tongue at the jerk who jumps the line at the post office. When someone does something blatantly stupid, place yourself in a circle of people (6-feet apart, please) and let it rip. No one will be able to prove it was you who shouted those insults. You’ll be protected like the late ventriloquist, Edgar Bergen. They’ll never see your lips moving.

The Best for Last

Of course, I have no business pressuring anyone to wear a face mask. If the CDC can’t convince you, who am I to try? And yet, I can’t help but think it’s worth the effort. Maybe, it’s because I’m a former healthcare administrator. Or, I have a B.A. in Biology. Or, it just might be the experience I had this past Winter with a bout of non-COVID pneumonia. I remember that scary feeling of not being able to breathe. Trust me. You wouldn’t like it.

Bonus Round

This week, I’ll be participating in a Let’s Share Some Fun Reads promotion. If you haven’t purchased a copy of What’s That Growing in My Sour Cream? this is a great time to grab the ebook. The freebie promotion runs June 27th through July 3rd. Be sure to click here.

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