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Is It Time To Go Back To The Movies?

Is It Time to Go Back to the Movies?

Okay, I admit it. Since the CDC confirmed that there was little chance that vaccinated people could catch and spread Covid, I grabbed a mask and raced off to my nearest multiplex. And boy, was I surprised. No one was there. It was as if the entire theater had been built solely for my movie viewing pleasure. No lines for popcorn. No concerns about noisy neighbors. I was alone. Totally alone. But then, it was a Tuesday morning.

Twilight Zone

When you sit in an empty theater, your mind wanders. Even during the previews. And if you’re a writer, well, you’re prone to daydreaming. That’s when story ideas are born. But imagination can work against you. In that darkened theater, I thought about a Twilight Zone episode. The one where a guy finds himself alone on earth. Running through empty city streets, screaming, hoping to find someone to answer his frantic call for help. It was creepy. Apocalyptic. And I was now that man.

New York City

As someone who generally enjoys being alone, New York City is not the ideal place to be raised. You can’t be alone there. Not when you share a bedroom with an older brother. Or, live in an eight-story building with twenty-two apartments on each floor. To survive the crush of humanity, and I don’t just mean in the elevator, you learn to adapt. On public transportation, you read a book. When you walk the streets, you look down. Anything to narrow your field of focus. To block out all those faces. And for some of us, even these little tricks can’t ease social anxiety. This is why Arizona is a breath of fresh air. It might be hot, but it’s never crowded. Except, if you insist on shopping at Costco on the weekends. Then it’s “buyer beware”.

Back to the Theater

So, there I was. Alone at the movies. In one of those big, cushy chairs. And as I sometimes do when a movie is a bit slow, I drifted off. I hate when that happens. It’s like channeling Uncle Morty. You remember him. That elderly uncle at the family reunion. He falls asleep on the sofa. Ugh! Anyway, when I awoke, the movie was over and the lights were up. I was startled. You see, nodding off in a darkened theatre is one thing. But wakening up with the lights up, that’s a different story. Plus, I missed the end of the movie.


So, if you’re wondering if this is the time to go back to the movies, I say yes if you’re vaccinated. And if you’re very cautious, wear a mask. Make sure you choose an off time to eliminate crowds. But most importantly, nap before you go. Dark, cool places, can be very relaxing. And what’s the point of watching a movie only to miss the ending? That’s no fun.

Now, Something A Little Extra!

This month, we’re participating in a Book Cave promotion. You can grab a free ebook of After the Fall and also enter a contest to win a $25 gift card to the ebook retailer of your choice. Big fun!

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