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Do Good Things Come To Those Who Wait?

Do Good Things Come to Those Who Wait?

I’ve been thinking lately about the advice we collect as we make our way through life. Being a cautious type, I’m always interested in the wisdom of others. Eager to avoid life’s missteps. So here are the top pieces of advice that echo in my head and my spin on them. And yes. I’d love to hear yours.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

I’m all about being patient, but how long should anyone wait to be happy? Loved? Fulfilled? I think good things come to those who get busy. Planning for what they want and taking action. Learning how to move forward and making choices.

If It’s Too Good to Be True…It Probably Is

I grew up in New York City where they sell fake Rolex watches on the street. So you might think I’m savvy. Still, there are times that I’ve been had. Think back to the 1990s and the Bruce Jenner Stair Stepper. It leaked black grease all over the carpet—squealed so loud you’d swear the cat’s tail was stuck in its hinges. I’ve even bought a book of health secrets from a late-night Hugh Downs infomercial. Yes, I can be had. But not very often.

Laugh and the World Laughs With You. Cry, and You Cry Alone

There’s truth in this bit of advice—but I don’t like it. In my opinion, we all spend too much time hiding our feelings. That only divides us. If you’re upset, and I’m your friend, I’m all in. Cry, and I want to hand you a tissue. Let you know that you’re not alone. And if you love to laugh, please invite me to the party. I have a wicked laugh. Trust me, I do.

If Not Now, When?

Just maybe, when I’m good and ready. Sometimes, we push too hard. I find myself in that camp. And I’ve learned it’s best to let some matters rest before reacting. It allows for a more thoughtful approach. And who doesn’t need to be more thoughtful? My hand’s in the air.

Now for Something A Little Extra!

From August 31st to September 6th, we’re participating in an Audible Subscription Give-Away. If you love audiobooks, this should be right up your alley. Please take a moment to check it out. And if you’re already an Audible member, both After the Fall and What’s That Growing in My Sour Cream? are available through Audible. I hope you’ll check them out.




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