Say, I Do!
There's nothing like a family wedding to bring out the need to raid one's closet…
I’ve been wondering, does anyone in the United States (or for that matter anywhere) have Covid as a last name? Is there a Mr. & Mrs. Covid out there? And if so, how has their family managed over the last two years? It would be horrible to have your name associated with a deadly pandemic. Far worse than a devastating hurricane (forgive me Irma, Sandy, and Katrina). And now that the pandemic is on the wane, will Covid pop up as a popular baby name? Or is that just too weird? Personally, I think Covid would make a great name for a dog. There’s a hard C sound to Covid. And dog trainers agree hard sounds work best when training puppies. Close your eyes, and imagine it. I see a Chihuahua named Covid. Or maybe, a Chow. What breed do you see?
Speaking of Covid (yes, I still am), I recently traveled to Mexico. A negative Covid test is required 24-hours before returning to the USA. Was I worried? Sure. I may love Mexican food, but I’d hate to get stuck in Mexico. No matter how wonderful the vacation is, no one wants to be detained in a foreign country. Especially if you’re sick and require medical care.
That week in Mexico, I wore a mask everywhere. Except in the pool. That would have been just silly. And I kept my distance from others. Essentially isolated in a resort where isolation was pretty easy because the place was empty. It seems Americans aren’t rushing to Mexico. Oh, we’re there. But not in the same numbers as pre-Covid.
And of course, the night before returning to the USA, I had a terrible dream. Even though my Covid test had been negative, for some reason, my boarding pass displayed Covid as my last name. I’d become Brad Graber Covid. “That’s not me,” I shouted in the dream as I was pulled out of the airport line. “I’m not Covid. That’s not who I am!”
Hmm. Maybe Covid would make a great last name for a secret agent. Or the mad scientist in a thriller. Mark my words. The name Covid is not going away. And the next time you’re at the dog park and hear someone shouting Covid, just remember I told you so, as the crowd scatters and a toy poodle charges up to its owner who is enthusiastically praising the pup. “Good boy, Covid! Good boy!”
If you haven’t checked out my award-winning collection of essays – What’s That Growing in My Sour Cream? – you can click here for an excerpt. Have a great rest of the month. And, oh yes. Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you got chocolates!