Just the other day it hit me. Something odd was happening. I’d noticed the feeling…
The other day, I was out to breakfast with my most tech-savvy friend who admitted he’d left his Apple watch at home. Now this is the guy who in 1983 advised me to buy Apple stock. Of course, back then, who had two nickels to rub together? I certainly didn’t. Which makes me wonder—when was the last time you saw a nickel? Or even handled change. Anyway, this friend has always bought the latest gadgets. Name it, and he’s owned it. As for me, I’d never been into tech fads. But when I was in college back in the 1970s, I did own a Texas Instrument calculator. That calculator cost a whopping $120 bucks which is why today it’s stashed in the back of my closet. One day, I’m planning on gifting it through my estate. Imagine the disappointed looks on the faces of my heirs.
As for Apple watches, they’ve certainly raised awareness about the dangers of atrial fibrillation (AFIB). And if by wearing a watch you can identify a health issue, I’m all in. Personally, I’d love to own a watch that could warn me when the torn meniscus in my knee is about to act up. Or the nasty ache in my lower back that sometimes pops up in the morning. But before you send me a note of advice on exercise, trust me, I work out a lot and stretch. They say you either move it or lose it. I’m not so sure about that. I have a feeling that if you live long enough, you lose it anyway. Except for the extra weight that comes with age. That weight isn’t going anywhere. Especially if you love sweets. I like to think of that extra weight as God’s special gift in preparation for the lean times to come. You know. When you trip and break a hip. Or miss the step on the escalator and wind up in the hospital for a few days. Extra weight is good. Especially if you’ve ever tasted hospital food.
Back to those Apple watches. My friend admitted he stopped wearing the watch because he’d become obsessed with the data. I get that. Sometimes, you just want to live your life and enjoy it without worrying about your blood pressure or your heart rate. And if there is a little AFIB here and there, okay, you definitely need to get it checked out. I’d just be concerned that I wouldn’t be able to keep my eyes off the watch, wondering all the while when my time might be up. Which I’m certain is not Apple’s intent. Still, I bet there are people who die with those gadgets strapped to their wrists. Life is funny that way. Personally, I’d rather be surprised when I drop dead. Surprises can be good. They require no preparation. And the last thing I want to hear is the sound of my watch warning me that my time is up. Better to hear the call of the Angels. A sweeter sound, I imagine, than a watch beeping.
This month, we’re doing an ebook giveaway of my collection of essays: What’s That Growing in My Sour Cream? Humorous Observations on Modern Life. Just follow this link for a free download. And here’s wishing you and your family the very best of September. Happy reading!