Lessons I’ve Learned from My Dog About Aging
Every morning at 6:00 a.m., Charlie, our miniature apricot poodle, stands up on the bed and does a brisk shake. It’s time to get up and walk the neighborhood. And even though I sometimes want to stay in bed longer, I’ve come to understand that my dog has a lot to share about growing older. He’s already half-way through his fourteenth year, and so, he knows about aging. I only need to pay a bit of attention to incorporate the lessons.
Keep Moving
Charlie walks best in the cool morning hours. And though he might be stiff with the first few steps, he moves amazingly well once he gets going. Walking remains an important part of his day even though he might stumble on an occasional curb. But he doesn’t give up.
Adapt to Your Limitations
There was a time when Charlie insisted on playing ball every morning. He’d leap and spin, barking and growling enthusiastically. He still plays, but it’s limited to one or two tugs on a dog toy. The joy remains though the activity level is diminished. He indulges in life within the context of his abilities.
If this Bush Doesn’t Work Out—Find Another
Charlie seeks out the best information the neighborhood has to offer. He carefully selects where to make his mark and when to leave his scent. Life is all about choices. Charlie knows the excitement of life is often found at the next bush.
Not Every Meal Needs to be Devoured
There was a time when Charlie ate his meals with gusto. Those days are over. He now eats with a lot of encouragement. Sitting next to him on the floor has become the routine. Often, we hand feed the first few bites to get him going. Sometimes, we even skip a meal because he’s just not interested.
Love Can be Expressed in Many Ways
Pleasure is all about eye contact. When you’re in Charlie’s company, he’s memorizing every detail of your face. In bed at night, Charlie is a regular hot water bottle. He enjoys looking into our eyes as he gets his nighttime scratch. Then, he plants himself next to you and doesn’t move much until the early morning hours.