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Whatever Happened to Customer Service?

phone old year built 1955 bakelite 163007 300x173 - Whatever Happened to Customer Service?Customer service is disappearing.

Now, I’m not talking about the person who helps you at the store. That person has been missing in action for years. No. I’m talking about the ability to pick up a phone and solve a problem directly. For some reason – it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find an actual telephone number for customer service. In many cases, they simply don’t exist.

Twilight Zone 

I get that we live in the digital age and technology is our friend. On so many levels I agree. Who doesn’t like to order online? Or Skype? Or read my blog? Okay – maybe that’s pushing it. But technology is now part of how we live. Resistance gone. Let’s all take a breath.

But there’s a downside too.

Life has become 24/7. We’re always on. There’s no escaping the iPhone. Texts arrive. Emails must be answered. The work week has stretched beyond office hours. And I guess that’s okay because we now have Netflix and YouTube and Twitter and Facebook. The world is at our finger tips. Goodie.

Where’s that number?

Then why can’t I get a hold of anyone in customer service?

The technology companies seem to have been the first to do away with live-customer service. Have a problem with your computer? There’s a chat box to start a dialogue. Problems with your website host? There are online videos to scour through. Okay – I get it. I don’t like it – but I get it. It’s like the healthcare companies of the 1980s insisting you not smoke on the premises. It has to start somewhere.

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Happy Hour Anyone?

pexels photo 27433 300x200 - Happy Hour Anyone?I’ve begun to notice that my 13-year old senior dog is eating earlier and earlier.

He used to eat dinner at 5:00 p.m. — but over the last few weeks, through insistent whining and vocalizing, we’ve moved dinner time to 4:00 o’clock.

Who Could Stand the Crying? 

So what’s the big deal? Who cares when the dog eats?

Certainly not me. Frankly, I wouldn’t mind eating dinner at 4:00 p.m. but I’ve been told that I’m too young. Only the elderly eat so early. And since I certainly don’t want to be judged as elderly, I shrug and go along.

But I’m Hungry

So what I’d really like to know is — what does age have to do with the time of day when you get hungry? Someone please answer me that.

Besides, it turns out that 4:00 p.m. is now designated as Happy Hour. A chic, sophisticated concept, created by the Hospitality industry. Discounted bites and liquor. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It’s the time when adults gather in the late afternoon to drink. A prelude, if you will, to the real show. That little thing I call dinner.


I don’t really drink. Maybe a martini now and then. A glass of wine to be polite. Champagne on special occasions. It just isn’t my thing. Remember — I’m the one who is hungry.

But Phoenix is ripe with all sorts of restaurants catering to this Happy Hour concept. I suspect more than one cheapskate has figured it out — loading up on discounted food — making that social security check stretch. But when we go — I don’t see those folks. No walkers or canes. No wheelchairs. Only young hipsters — upscale adults — gathering about, smartly dressed,  engaged in witty repartee. The food seems to be of secondary importance. The focus is on the drinks.

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Exercise – Does It Really Help?

pexels photo 260288 300x200 - Exercise – Does It Really Help?I can’t figure out why I’ve been feeling so well lately. It’s not like me to be without an ache or pain. Not that I’m so very old, but I’ve come to expect sore muscles in the morning. It’s kind of routine.

Eating right?

We just came off of a cruise ship. Four course meals were the rule.  The bread basket at the table was sometimes refilled twice. I became very close with the sourdough. And afterward, there were chocolate chip cookies everywhere. Many were in my hand — before magically disappearing.

Weight Lifting

I usually go to the gym a couple of times a week, but with travel to Asia and the jet lag, I kind of let that go. Besides, it’s dangerous to work out when a ship is rocking. Experts (don’t ask me who) agree that dizziness might cause a fall. No sense risking a broken bone. I’m sure you’d agree.

Surprisingly, I didn’t miss those sessions on the elliptical machine. Or peddling, peddling, peddling on the stationary bicycle, going nowhere, sweat soaking through my clothes. It was nice not to immediately shower in the morning, lounging about instead. People seemed friendlier than when I typically walk around after a workout. No one cleared a path, stepping back, giving me the sense that something was terribly wrong.


My back feels great. No muscle aches at all. My feet are terrific.

That must be because of the dog. We usually go on long walks, but he recently tore his ACL. With congestive heart disease, he can’t have surgery. So walks are much shorter. Barely to the end of the block. I’ve been spending a lot of time looking up as Charlie slowly hobbles along. Arizona has amazing sunrises and sunsets. You should check it out.

Vic and Jack 

Which leads me to wonder about the virtues of diet and exercise. Could Vic Tanny, Jack LaLanne, Weight Watchers and Pritikin, all have it wrong? Could excessive eating and a lack of exercise actually be good for you?

Well, it’s only been a week since we returned from our overseas trip. Three weeks since I’ve last stepped into a gym. Have I given it all up? Of course not. But I’ve loved the break.

So as I lace up my sneakers, I find myself thinking of all the professional athletes soaking somewhere in an ice bath. Those weekend warriors straining into the next stretch. I wish them all, wherever they are, a big basket of hot sourdough bread — some real butter — and maybe a chocolate chip cookie thrown in for good measure.

My New Car is Up on the Roof

pexels photo 90812 300x200 - My New Car is Up on the RoofI’m one of those people who hates to buy a new car. The fact is, I don’t like spending large sums of money. On my husband —  sure. The dog — let’s do it.  On me — not so much.


And I’m too practical to lease. I tend to buy and hold, fully depreciating the investment. Plus, leasing would require that I walk into a showroom every few years. And I don’t like showrooms. The sales staff are too attentive. Asking all sorts of personal questions and offering me coffee at every turn. I wouldn’t mind a big glazed donut — but they don’t offer those. The baked goods are reserved for the suckers in the service area.

Car Blind

A close friend recently said that I have lousy taste in cars. I should be offended, but all cars do look alike to me. I can tell an SUV from a Sedan. A sports car from a luxury model. I’m not stupid. I just can’t tell one SUV from the other. Inside and outside, they all seem the same.

Detroit Car Show

You’d think after living in Detroit for so many years, I’d have developed a passion for cars. Well, I haven’t.

I regularly attended the North American International Auto Show in January. That’s big in Detroit. I remember it being so darn cold outside. The cars — left little impression. The truth is, there was too much new car shine going on. Too many bright lights, cars spinning, large crowds and music blaring overhead. The whole thing left me dizzy and exhausted.

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Did Anyone Pack the Pepto-Bismol?

buddha buddhism statue religion 46177 300x225 - Did Anyone Pack the Pepto-Bismol?To me, Pepto-Bismol ranks up there in the kiddie toolkit alongside Calamine lotion for poison ivy. No one over the age of twelve ever seems to need the stuff. At least no one I know. But if you travel overseas, it’s always wise to pack Pepto-Bismol in your luggage. A lesson I recently learned on a trip to Asia.

Kid Stuff  

Pepto-Bismol even looks like it’s made for kids.

What other medication comes in bubble-gum pink? The packaging is so unique that Moms can easily find it in a cluttered medicine cabinet.

Go Mom

And in our gender sensitive world, I’m a little surprised that the pink color has stuck. Pink might be okay for Sally … but shouldn’t Billy’s version be blue? Which of course reminds me of something silly that Phyllis Shlafly might have said in her opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment. After all, she viewed gender in very specific terms.

Are those Peppers?

So there we were. Far away from home. A wonderful meal in a local Vietnamese restaurant. And without thinking, I poured the entire serving of hot sauce into my fish Pho. That’s a beef bouillon soup with a lot of noodles topped with fried fish sticks (hey – I’m just trying to get the imagery – if you want accuracy – consult an Iron Chef).

My first spoonful introduced a hot pepper. My mouth, eyes, and gut, were instantly on fire.

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Going White in the Age of Trump

skull color teeth 46510 217x300 - Going White in the Age of TrumpI don’t know what got into me, but the other day at the dentist, I agreed to have my teeth whitened.

Maybe it was the dingy color — a recent birthday — or the fact that I haven’t ever had my teeth professionally whitened. And as all things done spontaneously — I instantly regretted it.


For people with big smiles and large mouths, tooth whitening really makes sense. After all, everyone can see their teeth. But for someone like me, who has a small mouth and rarely smiles, what’s the point?

Now for Jeff, well, he has teeth the size of Chiclets. When he smiles, which he does a lot, the entire world lights up. I can always tell how our relationship is going based on how often I get to see those teeth. Sometimes, it’s not often enough.


They promised me it wouldn’t hurt.

Oh sure, they said some people have sensitivity afterward. But I thought they meant — when you eat. I hadn’t realized my teeth would be twinging and zinging — aching — with sudden shooting pain as if I needed a root canal.

And I hadn’t expected it to last all day.

Lucky I Guess

So I’m one of those people with extreme sensitivity. Heck. I am a sensitive kind of guy.

I certainly didn’t mind reclining for an hour as my mind ticked through all my real and imagined problems. It was nice to close my eyes in the middle of the day. And then I remembered reading somewhere that when you look at someone’s teeth — you’ve just peeked at their corpse.

Hmm. Now that’s something to think about.

Can Popcorn Ruin Your Teeth?

popcorn movie party entertainment 300x225 - Can Popcorn Ruin Your Teeth?The American Dental Association is on record about flossing. Despite rumors, the ADA still recommends it. If you don’t believe me, check out It’s all there in black and white. Missing, however, is a warning about popcorn. Someone definitely needs to send a letter.

Binge eating

Yesterday, I opened a huge tub of popcorn that we received during the holidays. Actually, there are three types of popcorn in the tin – white cheese, cinnamon roll, and caramel. I found the caramel irresistible. My mouth waters just thinking about it.

When we first received the tin in the mail, we agreed to give it away. Then we hid it in the garage. Yes, I know – that makes no sense. But that’s how we roll. We have trouble parting with things we love.

The Plan

We hoped to serve the popcorn when we next had company. Huge bowls filled to the brim. Of course, to do so requires that we remember where the popcorn is stashed. I’ve been practicing. As mature adults, we need to keep our memories sharp. I heard that on NPR.

Where is it?

Now our garage lies on the other side of the house. Quite a distance from our family room where we watch television in the evening. During the commercials, I managed to dash across that distance in record time holding a super duper red plastic cup in hand. Four different times back and forth. Even the dog was impressed by my speed.

Sugar Addiction

The sugary crunch of caramel corn is almost primal. By the fourth cup, I was ready to howl at the moon. But I didn’t. Our dog doesn’t like loud noises. Instead, I let the sugary goodness seep into my soul.

Gosh, I love my sugar.

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Betrayed by a Fortune Cookie

pexels photo 76093 e1482515362114 - Betrayed by a Fortune CookieLast Saturday, we had lunch at a local Chinese restaurant in my home town of Phoenix.

Being born and raised in New York City, and after living in San Francisco for ten years, I find there tends to be a difference in style between the two Coasts when it comes to preparation. Luckily in Phoenix, you can find Chinese food that caters to either palate.

East Coast Chinese tends to be very Americanized – chow mein, egg foo young, heavy sauces, crispy noodles, sweet and sour everything. West Coast tends to be lighter with lots of seafood options and gentle flavors. East Coast reminds me of my childhood – West Coast – my once insurmountable Mill Valley mortgage.

But both Coasts share one thing in common. The check always arrives with a Fortune Cookie.

Though once disputed by the Hong Kong Noodle Company in Los Angeles, the Courts found in 1983 that the fortune cookie was an early invention of a San Francisco bakery. Should you journey to San Francisco, you can see the cookies being made at the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory – part of a walking tour which includes Chinatown.

So there we were at China Chili (East Coast style) in Phoenix. The meal all but consumed and along comes the check. We both reached for our fortune cookies. Jeff, read his aloud. Typical fortune about a bright future. I opened mine and stared at the slip of paper – “Faith answered. No one was there.”

I’ve heard of a bad meal but not a bad fortune cookie. I almost insisted on a do-over as I watched Jeff fall apart with laughter.

Now I realize a writer needs more than faith to be successful, but somewhere in the recesses of my brain, I’d hoped faith in future success would be an advantage.

Next time, I think I’ll ask for the almond cookie.

Facebook Friendships: Really?

pexels photo 239898 - Facebook Friendships: Really?Okay. I admit it.

I was at a Holiday Party and excited to see two friends. As I rushed over to talk with them – it occurred to me – they were at best acquaintances. My exuberance hardly matched the level of the friendship. So how could I feel so close to people who were at best acquaintances?

One word. Facebook.

We’ve been Facebook friends for a few weeks and whether it’s the Holiday Season or just that time of year, these particular Facebook friends had been posting a lot about their history. When they met. Photos of what they looked like thirty years ago. Where they lived. I’d even become familiar with their pets, past and present.

And then came Throwback Thursdays. That’s when I learned about the serious bout with cancer years earlier.

The postings had become so personal and moving – like a good book – I’d been completely drawn in. Maybe, a bit too much.

I immediately became wary.

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Why Burn the Garlic Bread When You Can Just as Easily Poison Your Dinner Guests?

It seems my spouse and I are unable to manage a simple dinner party for 6 without burning something.

The other night, it was the garlic bread. I had made a lasagna and salad. Even baked a cake.  Friends had gathered. Ella was singing softly in the background. The lights were dim. Everyone and every thing seemed perfect as it always does when the lights are low.

People were mingling and laughing. I was happy. A glass of red wine in my hand and things were smoothly underway. I was moments away from the table, and even with one oven, I’d managed to pull together a great meal.

It was quite a relief.

You see, for me, entertaining at home isn’t exactly a joy. There’s no Ina Garten, Giada, or even Paula Deen in my kitchen. It’s more – Fred Willard meets The Gong Show (forgive me for the dated references but that is just how it is).

First, I have to check all the expiration dates. If you don’t cook a lot, Costco may not be the ideal place to shop. Fearful of poisoning friends, I pitch anything that seems too old, but not after a lot of back and forth wondering whether it really matters if you are within weeks of an expiration date. Sadly, that happens a lot. But good sense prevails. I always toss.

I also hate cooking. Some people find it relaxing. I think there should be a special lock down unit for those folks. All I ever see is a mounting pile of dirty pots and pans. I’ve even become an expert at using tin foil to line everything to ease the clean-up. Still, someone has to wash and put everything away.

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