Spray it – Don’t Say it!
Today’s writer is being told that we live in a digital age where photos, videos, and all sorts of visual aids are critically important to get our message out there. Folks have shortened attention spans. Social media requires that we capture that attention fast before the next tweet threatens to overrun us.
I get it.
• Bulletin points so it can be easily scanned
• Facebook posts and Tweets with pics
• Cartoon characters make us smile
• Color and sparkle to catch the eye
• Videos that shock and delight
Anything that grabs the reader and heightens SEO. Content be damned – no one really reads anymore. Who has time? Life is moving at a faster pace than ever before. What did Trump just say? Hillary was spotted walking her dog where? James Patterson exploits the paradigm shift with the advent of the 150-page BookShot. Quick reads targeted to Millennials. Brilliant!
Message received.
And yet, I can’t help but wonder if there remains an audience for great writing, undeterred by a lack of snappy photos and videos. For the right words, when carefully strung together, create an emotional fireworks that can’t be duplicated by a visual element. Isn’t that why our target audience is made up of “readers” and not “lookers”.
That said, I’m now searching for a photo to go along with this blog. If I’m unsuccessful, forgive me. My heart is in the right place.