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Pass Me That Face Mask!

Why is there so much push back about wearing a face mask? Aside from the…

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Q is for Quarantine and Questions. Lots of Questions.

Like everyone these days, Jeff and I have been locked in our house for nearly…

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Where’s The Toilet Paper?

By now, we're all familiar with the empty supermarket shelves where the paper products used…

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If You Can…Try to Laugh

Alright. It's true. There isn't anything funny about the Coronavirus. The news is scary. But…

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Yes…I’m Afraid of Eggshells

Everyone has their phobias. Some people are afraid of spiders. In Arizona, we have Tarantulas.…

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If Food Is Medicine…

If food is medicine, why am I eating peanut butter when I'm sick? Yes, it sticks to the roof of your mouth. But does it have any medicinal qualities?
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The Dentist Is Stalking Me

My dentist has a huge crush on me. That must be the reason why he…

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